Preheat your oven to 180c.
Start by making the filling and combine the raisins, sultanas and jujube fruit in a
saucepan and bring to a medium heat. Add a dash of water and leave to cook until
the fruit is nicely stewed and really soft.
Add in the mixed spice and agave and leave to simmer. Add a little more water if
For the pastry, drain the soaked jujube fruits and add these to a food processor, as
well as the buckwheat flour, ground almonds, coconut oil, agave, mixed spice and
salt. Blend until well combined.
Lightly grease a cupcake/mince pie tray with coconut oil and use 2/3 of your pastry
mix to press into the base of the moulds. Push the mixture around the sides of the
moulds to create a little casing to hold the filling.
Add a spoonful of the raisin mixture to each of the pastry cases then, using the
remaining pastry mixture, form a flat circular shape and pop this on top.
Decorate with a dried jujube fruit and repeat this for the other mince pies. Bake in
the oven for around 11 minutes or until golden.