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Recipe: Vegan Roast Vegetable Lasagne - GF, low carb

April 13, 2020

Recipe: Vegan Roast Vegetable Lasagne - GF, low carb

This lasagne is super simple to make with less than 30 minutes prep time, and tastes delicious, creamy, and wholesome. It is vegan, dairy-free, gluten-free, and low carb.

Vegan Roast Vegetable Lasagne


For creamy bechamel:

  • 2 cups of soaked cashews (ideally soaked overnight, if not 30 mins on the hob can work)
  • 1tbsp apple cider vinegar
  • 100ml water
  • 100ml nut milk (cashew, almond, rice, soya)
  • 3 garlic gloves or 4 tsp garlic granules
  • 5 tbsp nutritional yeast
  • 5tsp salt
  • 1 tsp pepper

For tomato sauce:

  • 3 tins chopped tomatoes
  • Bunch of Basil leaves/chopped basil
  • 4 tbsp oregano
  • 3 tsp garlic granules/garlic salt

For roasted vegetable filling:

  • 3-4 aubergines (depending on how big your dish is)
  • 3 red onions
  • 3 peppers (any colour)
  • 4 large flat mushrooms
  • You can also add in any vegetables of your choice to this (e.g. sweet potato, courgette)
  • Olive or vegetable oil
  1. Preheat your oven to 200 degrees (180 for fan ovens)
  2. To start, thinly slice your aubergines into slices/strips (they act as the lasagne sheets). Place these on a baking tray and drizzle with olive or vegetable oil, then sprinkle a few pinches of salt, pepper and oregano over the top.
  3. Also, chop your vegetables into thin strips and place on a separate baking tray, again drizzle with oil and a sprinkling of salt and pepper.
  4. Pop these in the oven, whilst they roast, we will make the bechamel and tomato sauce.
  5. To make the bechamel, place all ingredients for this above into a high-speed blender. Blitz until smooth, add extra milk/water if too thick (need to make sure you have enough for 2-3 layers of lasagne). Can taste and then season to personal preference (extra salt for example)
  6. For the tomato sauce, place the tinned tomatoes in a pan on a low heat. Add in basil leaves, oregano and garlic granules. Simmer and stir for 5 minutes
  7. Then assemble! Take roasted veg out of the oven. Place a layer of tomato sauce, a thin layer of bechamel, add roasted veg then lay down the aubergine slices on top like regular lasagne sheets and repeat (repeat a third time if you have room)
  8. Place in oven and cook for approx. 40 minutes (make sure to check on it at 25 minute mark)
  9. It is ready when the bechamel layer on the top starts to look thicker and starts to brown
  10. Enjoy!

Why not treat yourself to some Chocolate Coated Red Dates after the meal as a guilt-free dessert? Find the Chocolate Coated Red Dates and other treats here: