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No-bake Sticky Mocha & Jujube Fruit Cheesecakes – GF, DF, V

July 14, 2017

No-bake Sticky Mocha & Jujube Fruit Cheesecakes – GF, DF, V


  1. 1 1/2 cup oats
  2. 1 tbsp cacao powder
  3. 2 tbsp brown rice syrup
  4. Tsp coconut oil
  5. 1/2 cup Abakus Dried Jujube Fruits

Cheesecake layer

  1. 1 cup cashews- soaked for 4 hours
  2. 2 tbsp cacao powder
  3. 2 tbsp brown rice syrup/honey
  4. 2 tbsp coconut butter
  5. 5 tbsp fresh brewed espresso
  6. 2 tbsp coconut cream
  7. Almond milk

Coffee cream

  1. 3 tbsp fresh brewed espresso
  2. 2 heaped tbsp coconut cream
  3. 1 tbsp honey/brown rice syrup
  4. Abakus Jujube Crisps to garnish


  1. To make the base for your cheesecake, add the oats into a food processor and blend for a few seconds until they're slightly more finely ground.
  2. Add in the remaining base ingredients and blend again so that everything is well combined and sticks together.
  3. Transfer this into a baking dish/container and press down to create a smooth cake base. Pop the dish into the freezer to allow the base to set whilst you make the filling.
  4. Drain and rinse your cashews and add them into the food processor or a high-speed blender along with the coconut butter, espresso, coconut cream, rice syrup, cacao powder and blend. Add a little almond milk to help everything mix and continue to blend this until you're left with a really smooth and creamy consistency.
  5. Spread this evenly over the cake base and allow the cheesecake to set in the freezer for around 4 hours.
  6. For your coffee cream, combine the coconut cream, sweetener and coffee together in a bowl and mix well. Slice your cake into portions and garnish with some of the Jujube Crisps and a drizzle of the cream.

Created by Charlotte Roberts