Although we’re all pleased life is returning to the way it used to be, some of us may feel anxious about the potential harms of stepping back into normality. There’s no need to worry, we’ve got some simple tricks that should ease your mind and get you excited about socialising again.
Increased time away from home means less access to your fridge and pantry. Home cooked meals are likely to trickle down in frequency, especially when back in the office. To ensure your energy levels stay consistent whilst out and about, it is important to maintain a healthy diet. Keeping healthy snacks with you can prevent your energy from waning. Try something fun like Abakus Seaweed Crisps which are super crunchy, satisfying, and a great conversation starter. Buy some here.
Keep your time away from home short and the group you choose to socialise with small. Meeting up with one friend for a coffee is far less daunting an activity than going to a three-day long festival that requires you to camp and mingle with thousands of strangers. Move at your own speed, there’s bound to be someone you know who’s at your pace.
Equally, when you gradually return to the office, allow yourself time to adjust. Schedule your meetings in a way that allows you to alternate between being in office and being at home every other day. This makes for a gradual return to traditional working life, slowly reintroducing you to commuting and being in an office environment again.
We’ll be exposed to more people and larger crowds as things return to normal. Even with the vaccine, it is vital that we stay vigilant and strengthen our immunities, to protect ourselves and our loved ones. There are easy ways to do this: Getting adequate sleep, eating healthily, and soaking up some vitamin D when its sunny outside are simple, effortless ways of doing this.
Exercise is also a great way to stay fit and improve how you look and feel. Summer days are long, use them to your advantage by upping your outdoor activity or re-join the gym now that they have opened again.
If you’re not ready to integrate just yet, don’t! If you’ve been extra strict during lockdown and kept yourself tucked away, no one would expect you to be comfortable with charging into a group of people in your town centre. Instead of venturing out, invite one person over for a short visit in your garden. Soon you’ll be ready to increase the duration and the amount of guests and at some point, going to a local establishment will become more appealing and less intimidating.
We’ve had multiple rule changes since last March to ensure public safety and as the vaccine rollout continues and new variants of COVID-19 come to light, the odds of that stopping soon seem unlikely. Being on top of what you legally can and can’t do will give you peace of mind that you are following the rules. Up to date information is available on Twitter at @GOVUK and @PHE_uk.